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Microacupuncture for Degenerative Eye Diseases

Microacupuncutre may help recover lost vision caused from Macular Degeneration, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Stargardt's Disease & many more conditions that affect the Retina & Optic Nerve.

No needles are placed into the eyes.

Microacupuncture is not a cure for the degenerative eye diseases, but it does help the eyes to heal from the damage caused by the disease process. 


Microacupuncture works to:
-Restore blood flow into the eyes & to the damaged retinal cells
-Stimulate dormant retinal cells
-Reduce inflammation


I take pride in helping patients achieve their health goals. Here are some testimonials from satisfied patients:

"Dr. Abare is a true healer. Her treatments have helped me to manage my chronic pain and improve my overall well-being. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for a skilled and compassionate practitioner."

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